2018-06-02 10:00 - 2018-06-02 18:00 unconference open space JavaScript self organizing learning

HolidayCheck Office - Germany, 81673 Munich, Neumarkter Str. 61

This event uses schema.org microdata for outlining the event's data.

2018-05-01 9:30 to 2018-05-02 18:00 CodeRetreat JavaScript
JS CodeRetreat #13
Some where else, not in HC offices

This event uses schema.org JSON-LD for outlining the event's data. See the JSON-LD block in the code, for details.

2018-02-07 10:00 ... 2018-02-08 18:00 conference web performance ads third-party scripts A/B testing HTTP/2 debugging JAM stack PWA web fonts loading memory/CPU perf service workers
Smashing Conference
London, England

This event is not schema outlined at all, so it's not so nicely machine readable. Bummer.

2018-04-16 19:00 Meetup JavaScript
JavaScript The Language - Map, Set, WeakMap HolidayCheck offices, Munich, Germany